Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP)single crystal
(c) L. Van Meervelt
A major objective of the International Year of Crystallography is to establish a vibrant worldwide network of schools participating in crystal-growing experiments and taking part in national and regional competitions. This will introduce students to the exciting, challenging and sometimes frustrating world of growing crystals. We announce a worldwide competition, open to all schoolchildren. The winners will be those who most successfully convey their experiences to the panel of judges through videos or essays.
The aim of the competition is to grow your own crystals (whether involved in a regional/national competition or not) and to convey your experience through a video or essay. The following guidelines are applicable:
Each contribution should clearly show or mention the experimental work carried out by the participants during growing their single crystals (compounds and methods used are free of choice). Furthermore the contribution should reflect in a creative way on the experimental work and theoretical background and/or applications.
More info: http://www.iycr2014.org/participate/crystal-growing-competition