Top: S. Gayle Stevens and Judy Sherrod | William Legoullon | Diana Bloomfield Bottom: Rachel Soko | Rebecca Foley | Ann Mitchell
Alternative Processes with Christopher James | INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CALL FOR ENTRIES
THEME | Alternative Processes Call for Entry
All subject matter and alternative processes are welcome.
EXAMPLES | of Alternative Processes
Daguerreotypes, Cyanotypes, Chrysotypes, Chlorophyll Process, Chemigrams, Carbon and Carbro Calotypes, Embroidered Photo, Bromoils & Oil, Anthotypes, Albumen Prints, Gum Bichromates, Non-Silver Manual, Collodion, Image Transfers, Mixed Media, Lumen Prints, Platinum and Palladium process, Wet Plate, Salt Prints, Toy Camera, Plastic Optics, Handmade Cameras, Pinhole, Experimental, Film Acceleration, Solarization, Photopolymer gravures, Vandyke browns, Liquid Emulsions, Ambrotypes, Photograms, Sandwiched Negatives, Hand Made Negatives, Expired Materials, etc.
JUROR | Christopher James
Christopher James is an internationally known artist and photographer whose photographs, paintings, and alternative process printmaking has been published and shown extensively, including exhibitions in The Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The George Eastman House, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The first two editions of his book, The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes have received international critical acclaim and are universally recognized by artists, curators, historians, and educators as the definitive texts in the genre of alternative process photography and photographically integrated media and culture. A significantly expanded 850 page / 650 image, 3rd edition will be published in late 2014. Christopher is presently University Professor and Director of the MFA in Photography program at The College of Art and Design – Lesley University.
ABOUT C4FAP | Founded in 2004 by photographers, The Center for Fine Art Photography is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) photography organization. We provide support to photographic artists through exhibition, solo exhibition, promotion, education and connection to a large community of other artists, curators, gallery owners and photographic professionals. Open Tues-Sat, Free, Public Welcome. Please visit for more information and calls for entries.
With selection for this exhibition, all artists are invited to join C4FAP on the reception weekend for a portfolio review with the Director Hamidah Glasgow and possibly with Christopher James, his schedule is pending. There is also a portfolio share and an artists’ lunch after the reviews at C4FAP. An international audience of collectors, curators, art consultants and other advocates of fine art photography will view the chosen artist’s work throughout the exhibition. Each participant is included in the Center’s Main Gallery exhibition in Fort Collins, Colorado and Online Gallery exhibition. In order to be included in the online gallery or to receive an award, you must provide a professionally printed and framed/mounted image for gallery exhibition. All chosen artists will be included in the exhibition catalog.
Juror’s Selection: $500 and a feature in the catalog
Director’s Selection: $250 and a feature in the catalog
Two LiveBooks Website Awards: Valued at $399 from
Honorable Mention Awards: 2-year membership and a call for entry submission at the Center.
Eligibility: The exhibition is open to all photographers world wide, both amateur and professional. The Center invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate in its exhibitions.
Exhibit Prints: All images accepted for exhibition must be printed and framed or mounted professionally for exhibition at C4FAP. The Center recognizes that some work is non traditional and incorporates the framing as an integral part of the presentation. Please no colored mats or frames. Black or white mats and frames only, unless you obtain prior approval. To encourage participation by photographers from around the world, the Center offers optional, professional, printing and framing services. Additional details will be provided upon request.
Note: Images selected by jurors for exhibition at the Center in the previous 12 months are NOT eligible. Images previously submitted but not yet selected for exhibition may be resubmitted.
Entries Due: July 2, 2014
Notice Of Acceptance: July 15, 2014
Exhibition Dates: October 3 – November 1, 2014
Public + Artists’ Reception: October 3, 2014
MEMBERS | $20 for the first five images.
NON-MEMBERS | $35 for the first five images
ADDITIONAL IMAGES may be submitted for $10 each. There is no limit to the number of images that may be submitted. Applicants signing up for membership at the time they submit will receive the automatic discounted entry fee.
Note: Images selected by jurors for exhibition at the Center in the previous 12 months are NOT eligible. Images previously submitted but not yet selected for exhibition may be resubmitted.
Image Upload Guidelines
All images are submitted online on our website. To submit images visit our home page, create an account or Login to your existing account to begin. Further instructions are available in the Calls for Entry Section of our website.
Acceptance Notice: Everyone who submits will receive an email notification of which images were accepted. Accepted images will be posted on the Center’s website along with exhibitors instructions, forms and deadlines.
USE RIGHTS: Each artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use. By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant The Center for Fine Art Photography the right to use their images for the purpose of promoting exhibitions, promoting the Center’s programs, promoting the artist and subsequent display on the Center’s website of current and past exhibitions. Promotions and images may also be placed on social networks for The Center for Fine Art Photography with artist credit. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from the Center.
July 2, 2014 - November 1, 2014
These are the exhibition dates associated with the call for entry.
MEMBERS | $20 for the first five images. NON-MEMBERS | $35 for the first five images ADDITIONAL IMAGES may be submitted for $10 each. There is no limit to the number of images that may be submitted. Applicants signing up for membership at the time they submit will receive the automatic discounted entry fee.
July 2, 2014
The Center for Fine Art Photography
400 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
United States
Sunshine Divis